Inner Forestay:
The inner forestay attachment point is directly on top of an existing bulkhead between the V-berth and the chain locker. The chain locker was split into two sections (one on either side) and large chainplates connected to the solidly glassed in divider. Link plates and a turnbuckle carry the load of the inner forestay to the hull.

Above deck an ABI quick release leaver assembly (ABI#192613) and deck fitting (ABI#192113) are used to attach the inner forestay to the deck fitting.

As the inner forestay attaches to the mast half way between the masthead and the spreaders running backstays were required to stabilize the mast and prevent "pumping" in a rough seaway. It turned out that having the running backstays fitted at sea keeps the rig from moving at all preventing all manor of issues.

The attachment point to the mast was manufactured from a piece of aluminum plate to fit inside the mast and have the attachment point for the inner forestay and the staysail halyard block protruding through the mast. The mast work was performed by Chesapeake Rigging.


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