Sea Rogue Gets New Cushions
Sea Rogue had taken a little water on during the winter and needed new seat cushion covers made. We offered to help them make the new cushions and so we had a great cushion making party.

Paul purchased some green Naugahide and then the cutting began! Just think about the poor Nauga's who gave up their skins to make the cushions...
Lisa cut out the first cushion cover as a quick test of the system.  We planned to use the Pfaff 409 just in from the government bid sale.  I had just finished realigning it a few days before so this would be it's first real test!


Michelle discovers just how useful double sticky seam tape can really be!

Measure twice (or was that thrice) and cut once was the word of the day as there was just enough fabric.  Well, in the end we had to get some more anyway but we used all that there was on island!

Let the sewing begin!  The Pfaff is a really fast machine, the normal home sewing machine does about 600-800 stitches/min, this beast does 2500!  The biggest trick is staying out if it's way and not making a mess.  But it does make short work of large jobs.

Stuffing the cushion into the cover reminded everyone of alligator wrestling.  Jokes went around about having to be over 16 in Florida to be able to wrestle them for profit!
Michell wanted to know how we had learned to do all of the things to a boat which we helped them with.  We let them see our copy of "This Old Boat" along with the inscription from Bill George so many years ago!
Then we had only three more cushions to go before they needed to leave.

Paul tried his hand at sewing for a bit!