Off to Bigej For Fun In The Sun
The pied piper Botany Bay drug four hard working engineers away from their tasks for a weekend at Bigej. 

Here we have a picture of the crew (minus the captain),
Tim's pictures
were taken with an identical Nikon 990 digital camera.

Here we have Eileen, Lisa, and Tim thinking just how much more fun they could be having doing real work instead of relaxing.

Lisa is up in the forward cabin looking for her swimsuit as everyone wants to go into the water!
Everybody in the water for the first swim of the day.  By the time we left, everyone had been in the water at least three times.  One afternoon snorkel, one night snorkel, and then a dip in the morning!
Bellweather came up for a daysail and a swim.

Then the Pull Toy Crowd Showed Up and Provided
Quite A Show